First and foremost, no ice is ever safe ice.
The cold weather has Green Bay getting to a point that looks like we will have a great ice season overall.
One big reminder is that there will be ice breaking and Shipping traffic on Green Bay up until the end of
January so that can present ice movement issues when the winds are strong. Please pay attention to
your winds when venturing out.
The Fox River off Voyager Park has seen reports of 10” now this week in most areas. Continued caution
should be advised when venturing out near the river channel. Anglers continue reporting very good
action jigging Walleyes in the morning and evening along with a few Whitefish mixed in. Jigging raps
and jig/minnow combinations being the most productive, but do not overlook blade baits!
Deadhorse Bay and Suamico both have anglers venturing out on ATV’s and Snowmobiles. Most anglers
are targeting Perch with some mild success. Tip downs and box tip ups with minnows have been the
most productive with some fish caught on small plastic and jigging raps actively jigging. Some anglers
using tip ups and Large Golden Shiners are reporting finding a few Pike in these aeras also.
Reports from Volks to Bayshore and up to Red River have been that action has been very good overall
for Whitefish with above average numbers being reported most days. Jigging goby style plastics and
jigging raps tipped with wax worms are being reported as the best tactics. The Perch bite in these areas
has been reported as below normal. Some ATV traffic has been seen around these locations but use
caution. Walleye activity has been slow, but a few decent fish have been reported among guys jigging
for Whitefish.
Little Sturgeon Bay has around 12” of ice depending on where you are in the bay be diligent and use
caution around the points and some rock humps those areas may be less ice formation. Reports
continue of good Perch action form anglers. Tip downs and box tip ups with minnows are the best but
actively jigging baits like small spoons tipped with wax worms or jigging raps have been producing. Pike
anglers continue to report a good tip up bite using large golden shiners around the back areas on Little
Sturgeon. Perch anglers venturing out onto Sawyer Harbor near Sturgeon Bay are also reporting good
catches of Perch at times using the same tactics.
The Larsons reef area over the past week has seen then ice blow out and in several times. Noone has
been venturing out there to chase Whitefish just yet. But expect those reports to pick up after this week
with continued cold weather.
Walking out off Lime Kiln and Big Rock has seen folks having good success with Whitefish but use
extreme caution on those areas as several cracks have been working near the shorelines.
Capt. Robert Claus
FinFanatic Charters